Monetize your expertize on blueyellow. Enter new geos. Win new international customers. Find projects you want to engage with and just contact them. It has never been easier. Your offerings will be shown directly on the project pages. You will get contacted by the buyers who need your expertize.
Create financial valuation models. DCF and Multiples. Help the buyers evaluate the project.
Tax expert in particular geo? Offer your expertize!
What are the financial liabilities? Finance gurus needed.
Can you run buy-side or sell-side advisory services? Not all buyers and sellers have that expertize.
Basically all projects need to be assessed from a legal point of view. Want to do it?
Is the asset in a good condition? How about grid connection – is everything on track?
Today you probably create a due diligence report and sell it just once. With blueyellow you can sell the same work to multiple buyers. This will obviously boost your revenue.
Preparing the report once and selling it multiple times increases, not only your revenues, but especially, your profit margin. You can create a more scalable business.
No need for cold calls or going for dinner with prospects just to “may be” get the contract. Offer your services with incrementally higher conversion rates on blueyellow.
You can create embedded offerings directly on the project pages. You have full control over content, pricing etc. from your back end. You directly select the projects where you want to offer your services.
You click on sign up, fill-in the form and that’s it.
Your profile will be verified and approved by blueyellow. You will get confirmation e-mail when your profile is activated.
You offer your services to any of the listed projects on blueyellow. This is very intuitive. If in doubts, contact us and we will guide you through.
Companies (e.g. investors) who need the particular services will contact you directly. You sell directly to them.