Purpose of the Hub

Knowledge, collaboration, expertize are pretty much the pre-requisites for any successful project, including renewable energy developments and investments.
We are launching the Hub where knowledge and experience can be shared. We think we will make it something between a blog, Wikipedia and maybe also social media focused on renewable energy and renewable energy investments.
We will be publishing series of articles focused on renewable energy and its potential in general, some articles focused on renewable energy investing – how it can be done, what to focus on, who to engage with – basically we want to guide you through the renewable energy investment world.
And some articles will be more technical – we will explain how project valuation is done, we will share financial valuation models with you, we will explain how PPAs can be structured, we will provide some templates, equations and definitions which you can directly enter in your contracts. We will access market access related risks, such as profile risk / cannibalization, balancing risks, volume risks etc.
We want to share as many experience, know-how and materials so that you can tackle any obstacles you might have while developing and selling or investing in renewable energy projects.
We don’t want to share some theory textbook stuff – we will try to keep is as practical as possible. Besides that, our friends and industry partners will be also contributing to the content on the Hub, so you will have an opportunity to see the industry from several different angles.