Licensed Solar Park in Nicosia, Cyprus

What happens when you combine the colors blue and yellow? You get green! It is an example of taking things that already exist and making something new, which is also what we do. We connect renewable energy projects with capital through digital platform and sophisticated fintech solutions.
Renewable energy provides only around 3% of the world's energy needs. Meeting the world's growing need for energy will require an investment of more than USD 48 trillion up to 2035 (IEA).
blueyellow digitalizes green energy investments through combining platform for buying and selling renewable energy projects with highly sophisticated fintech solutions.
Transactions within the blueyellow are cost efficient and fast. Besides in-house services and solutions you can also purchase third party transactional services directly on the platform.
Project developers, utility companies, municipal authorities, governments or asset managers. Owners can simply sell their renewable energy projects at blueyellow with access to investors worldwide. We also offer sell-side services for your projects - we will help you to get to the finishline.
Insurance companies, asset managers, pension funds, utilities or private investors. With blueyellow, you get an access to platform for buying and selling of renewable energy projects. Besides that, blueyellow will provide you with cutting edge solutions such as Valuation Centric Hedging and Capital Structure Optimization.
Sell-side and buy-side advisers, due-diligence experts, valuation agents and insurance companies. Service providers offer due diligence reports, valuation models, third party opinions or any other types of advisory for renewable energy projects. Buyers can get services on demand or download ready-made reports.
We offer sophisticated quantitative services and solutions. Investment bankers understand valuation. Traders and originators understand energy markets and trading. We bring these two worlds together. We offer these services for both on-platform and off-platform projects. Sign up or contact us directly for more information.
for investors / buyers
Market prices are anything but deterministic. They are impossible to forecast. Valuing your project using deterministic scenarios does not take into account the stochastic character of market prices. And you are missing the probabilistic view regarding what is likely to happen with project returns.
for investors / buyers
Your hedging solution has an impact on the valuation model. And valuation model should be used to optimize your hedging structure. Regarding leverage – more debt you take, higher the equity returns – but also higher the likelihood of default. Valuation, hedging and capital structure are highly interconnected. We offer a unique valuation centric view – we merge valuation with hedging and capital structure optimization.
for investors / buyers
How to decide whether to hedge 100% of production? Is 75% not enough? The off-take agreement quotes are always lower than expected market price. This means larger the hedge, lower the returns. If you can take some merchant risk, your returns will improve. However, you cannot have too large unhedged positions – that could be very dangerous – your project could default in case of low market prices.
for investors / buyers
The capital structure of the project (how much equity and how much debt) should be optimized taking into account stochastic character of market prices. You can boost returns by leveraging the project and / or by keeping part of the production unhedged. However, troubles begin when electricity prices drop – you still need to cover debt service otherwise your project defaults.
for developers / sellers
There are many good renewable energy projects. However, there are fewer projects that have well prepared transactional documentation including financial model and investment memorandum. Such documents are expected by financial investors. If your project is properly structured and documented, you are much more likely to sell it. Let us help you with the sell-side stuff.
Google, Facebook, and Uber are just three examples of innovative customer businesses that have created new digital industries. We are at the forefront of bringing this innovation and digitization to the world of renewable energy investments.
Today, there are still middlemen who extract significant value from projects. We intend to eliminate this by bringing transparency and by minimizing information asymmetry to make it easy to buy or sell renewable energy projects.
With efficient markets, more transparency, and a digitalized investment process that includes cost-efficient transactional services, the result is that a lower cost of capital is achieved. This lower cost of capital means more positive investment decisions and more renewable energy.
blueyellow provides opportunities for local renewable energy project developers to access capital and expertize globally. Local service providers can get contracted by international renewable energy investors, grow their business and enter new geos.